Catwoman: Hunted – Review

And now for the movie I almost missed. Part of me is surprised it’s taken this long to get a Catwoman animated movie but then I remembered that her live action movie is one of the more universally agreed as bad movies in the Batman franchise so I guess I can see why WB might avoid doing another for a while.

This was a lot of fun. I like the anime inspired look, it really helps it stand out next to other DC movies. This probably isn’t going to be anyone’s favourite Batman movie but it’s certainly a fun one and easily the best Catwoman movie, I’m glad I didn’t miss it before finishing this marathon.

It’s neat that of all the Bat family members to tag along they went with Batwoman, they have a fun dynamic and Liz Gillies and Stephanie Beatriz do a good job voicing them. The movie also has a pretty decent lineup of villains from Black Mask to Solomon Grundy to a version of Tobias Whale voiced by Keith David. And of course there’s fellow cat themed characters Cheshire and Cheetah, surprisingly Catwoman got a movie where Cheetah is the main villain before Wonder Woman did.

This marathon has been pretty good for Catwoman content with The Long Halloween, this movie and from what I’ve heard the Catwoman content in The Batman is pretty good too. But of course speaking of The Batman I’m finally all caught up and ready to watch it, and surprisingly I’ve avoided spoilers despite seeing a lot of people talking about it online.

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