Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Review

I ended my last review with a setup for a different movie, I am all caught up for said movie now but by that point I had to watch this one first. With how great Into the Spider-Verse was and Miles being one of my favourite characters from the comics this was one of the movies I was most excited about seeing this year.

I knew this was going to be really good going into this but I was not prepared for how it would be that good. Since the first movie came out multiverses have become a popular theme in movies, including another Spider-Man movie (which contributes to the mulitiversal damage being dealt with in this movie). And something that’s very clear from all three multiverse Spidey movies is that Spider-Man really is the perfect character to tell a multiverse story with.

Everyone is familiar with multiple versions of Spider-Man. From the longtime fans who recognise all the comic and classic TV show cameos in the crowd shots to people who only really follow the movies to young children growing up with the newest cartoons. And this movie explores that in a really interesting way, and one that’s the perfect follow up to Miles’ character arc from the first movie.

And of course the specific Spideys it chooses to highlight really get to shine. It takes this version of Miles and this version of Gwen and really explores them in ways that stand out next to their comic counterparts, including their bond. Migel, Pavitr, Hobie and Jessica are all great additions and this movie’s take on Ben Reilly is a hilarious parody of 90s edgy comics. Speaking of the 90s most viewers who already knew this film’s villain The Spot probably remember him from the 90s cartoon rather than the comics and they manage to make him this impressive balance of goofy and intimidating.

An amusing detail about the top and bottom of this ranking is without actually referencing the scenes this movie actually causes the Vulture’s appearance at the end of Morbius to make sense. And making that point reminds me that unless they all get delayed there’s going to be three more of Sony’s “why does this exist?” spin-off movies before we get the third part of this trilogy next year.

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